Our morning service begins at 9:30 AM. You are invited to inquire about our nursery, activities, and ministries at the Welcome Center in the lobby.
Nursery is provided for young children (ages infant-3 years old). A Nursing Room is available for nursing mothers. It is located in the hallway along the south side of the building.
Children ages 3-5 are invited to attend Children in Worship. They are dismissed about half-way through the service. Details are outlined in the Children In Worship section of this website.
When you're ready to be seated, an usher will assist you in finding a seat and provide you with an Order of Worship. The Sanctuary is handicapped accessible and is equipped with the Audio Loop System. The service is generally 1 hour and 10 minutes long.
Following the morning service, you are encouraged to stay and enjoy a time of fellowship with coffee, juice, and cookies.
Our evening service is offered at 6:00 PM. Nursery is provided for this service as well. While Children In Worship is not offered during the evening service, a Children’s Message is presented during most evening services.